Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789394314108
This is for students of GNM. This is designed as per the student's perspective to provide the
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Explanations are there in detail and accompanied with diagrams, flow charts, tables, and examples
Rs 270.00 Rs 300.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789394314665
Easy English grammar Stands tall on the five pillars of the English language parts of speech, sentence
structure, tense vocabulary and composition. The simulation-based approach of the word wallet is to tickle the
imaginative mind of the young learner. The structure-based approach of the sack and ..
Rs 225.00 Rs 250.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789394314610
Today, the current era where kids use computer devices smoothly is the era of computer education. Computer Education plays a vital role in everyone's lives
right from beginning to end. The computer has become a standard of education across the globe, which improves performing various research..
Rs 180.00 Rs 200.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789394314672
Nurses are the frontline fighters in the battle for the health and wellness of society. They are the backbone of the health care delivery system at all levels, rural or
urban communities, hospitals, clinics or industries. Community Health Nursing is a multidisciplinary, rapidly growing subject. The..
Rs 180.00 Rs 200.00