Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9789394875166
This book contains information on how to explore the history and scope of forensic nursing practice, identify
forensic teams, roles and responsibilities of forensic nursing in total care of victim of violence and in preservation of
evidence and developing a basic understanding of the Indian judici..
Rs 270.00 Rs 300.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9789394875012
This course is designed to help the students to gain knowledge, learn the
appropriate attitudes and beginning competencies essential for applying the basic principles
of teaching and learning among individuals and groups both in educational and clinical
settings. It also introduces the basics of ..
Rs 405.00 Rs 450.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9789392019050
Mental health nursing is a course that allows students to learn and gain more knowledge about people with mental health issues and
how to analyze and provide them with the proper treatment and medication under a supervised setting. Students will be able to competently do the
following on successfu..
Rs 425.00 Rs 500.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9789394875333
This course is designed to help students develop broad perspectives of health, its
determinants, about community health nursing and understanding about the health care delivery
services, health care policies and regulations in India. It helps the students to develop knowledge
and understanding of..
Rs 585.00 Rs 650.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9789394875302
This book contains information that will help students to- analyze healthcare trends influencing development of nursing services and
education in India, describe the principles, functions and process of management applied to nursing, develop basic understanding and beginning
competencies in planni..
Rs 360.00 Rs 400.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9789394875074
This course helps students to practice Community Health Nursing for individuals, family and groups at rural, urban and tribal settings by
applying principles of community health nursing and epidemiological approach. It also helps the students to develop knowledge and competencies
required to scree..
Rs 360.00 Rs 400.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9788195062430
This book on educational technology and nursing education helps students in developing a basic understanding of theoretical foundations and
principles of teaching and learning and teaches them how to identify the latest approaches to education and learning, initiate self- assessments to identify
Rs 630.00 Rs 700.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9788195062416
This course on child health nursing is designed to help students in
developing an understanding of the modern approach to child-care, identification,
prevention and nursing management of common health problems of neonates and
children. ..
Rs 450.00 Rs 500.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9789394875081
Children are the future of every nation across the world. It is today’s generation which can go ahead and make the world a better place. If today’s children are healthy, it can
lead to a much healthier future. Children are vital to the nation’s present and its future. Parents, grandparents, aunts, ..
Rs 225.00 Rs 250.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9789392019289
By the end of the course students will be able to- develop an understanding of the history and modern concepts of child health
and child-care while exploring the national child welfare services, national programs and legislation in the light of National Health Policy
2017. They will also be able t..
Rs 765.00 Rs 850.00
Publisher: BOOKERA
ISBN: 9789394875104
This book teaches students how to apply the nursing process in providing care to patients with behavioural and
emotional disorders occurring during childhood and adolescence, how to apply the nursing process in providing care to
patients with organic brain disorders, identifying and respond to psy..
Rs 360.00 Rs 400.00