Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789394314764
This book is specially designed for students who are preparing for competitive
examinations. This book has covered all the essential requirements which are required to be studied
for exams. While designing this book, the preference was given to student’s understanding and
perspective. So concepts..
Rs 495.00 Rs 550.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789387077621
This handbook is specially designed for better understanding and easy accessibility.
This book has covered the entire essential information and knowledge which is required to be
studied. While designing this book, the preference was given to the reader’s understanding and
perspective. So explanat..
Rs 495.00 Rs 550.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789387077072
This guide is specially designed for students of ANM who are preparing for
competitive examinations. This book has covered the entire essential information and
knowledge which is required to be studied for exams. While designing this book, the preference
was given to student’s understanding and p..
Rs 360.00 Rs 400.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789380205144
For Nurses, communication is always an essential part of their job. This book has
covered all the essential requirements of communication skills also related to the English
language. This book can help them a lot to uplift their communication skills in the English
language. For better understandi..
Rs 247.00 Rs 275.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789387077522
This book is coverage of entire syllabus of this subject as recommended by INC. This is designed as
per the student's perspective to provide the knowledge of better understanding and easy accessibility. The
complexities of topics have been avoided. Explanations are there in detail and accompanied ..
Rs 292.00 Rs 325.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789387077492
This book is coverage of entire syllabus of this subject as recommended by INC. This is designed as
per the student's perspective to provide the knowledge of better understanding and easy accessibility. The
complexities of topics have been avoided. Explanations are there in detail and accompanied ..
Rs 225.00 Rs 250.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789394314283
This book is designed to meet all the essential requirements regarding the
subject. Explanations are well explained, and complexities are avoided. Coverage of all
the concepts is done in such a manner that access to any topic will be easy for the
student. Examples, charts, diagrams are provided w..
Rs 180.00 Rs 200.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9788195169115
Medical-surgical nursing part 1 and 2 for GNM has covered all the essential
requirements of the subject. A detailed explanation of topics is given wherever required
and accompanied with diagrams, charts, and tables for a proper explanation. Proper
content is designed for easy access. Appropriate ..
Rs 153.00 Rs 170.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789394314481
This course on Applied Psychology is designed to enable the students to develop an
understanding about the basic concepts of Psychology and about its application to personal and
community life, health, illness, and nursing. It also provides students with an opportunity to
recognize the significan..
Rs 225.00 Rs 250.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789380205137
Food and Nutrition are designed to meet all the essential requirements of the book regarding the
subject. The book carries detailed explanations of the topics of the subject. Appropriate diagrams, tables, charts,
and other essential requirements with arranged content are properly presented in the ..
Rs 270.00 Rs 300.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789394314696
The book Applied Psychology is meant for students to develop an understanding and remember what they have learnt about the basic concepts of psychology and its application in personal and community life, health, illness and nursing. It also provides students with an opportunity to recognize the sign..
Rs 405.00 Rs 450.00
Publisher: VPD
ISBN: 9789387077652
This book is specially designed for students who are preparing for competitive
examinations. This book has covered all the essential questions which are required to be studied for
exams. While designing this book, the preference was given to student’s understanding and perspective.
So questions a..
Rs 450.00 Rs 500.00