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Publisher: VPD ISBN: 9789387077539
This is for students of GNM. This is designed as per the student's perspective to provide the knowledge of better understanding and easy accessibility. The complexities of topics have been avoided. Explanations are there in detail and accompanied with diagrams, flow charts, tables, and examples w..
Rs 382.00 Rs 425.00
Publisher: VPD ISBN: 9789387077058
This book of midwifery contains all the essential topics and information related to the subject. This is designed based on the syllabus of INC. This is for GNM students. All topics are well explained and accompanied with extra information wherever required. Content is designed in a proper way to ..
Rs 540.00 Rs 600.00
Publisher: BOOKERA ISBN: 9789394875159
This book demonstrates all the practice competencies and skills for beginners that are relevant to provide comprehensive primary health care/community based care to clients with common diseases and disorders including emergency and first aid care at home/clinics/centres as per predetermined protoc..
Rs 360.00 Rs 400.00
Publisher: VPD ISBN: 9789387077683
This book has covered the entire syllabus of INC with a detailed explanation of topics for GNM students. In this book, the complexities have been avoided to provide easy understanding to students. Diagrams, flow charts, tables, and examples are accompanied with explanations appropriately wherever..
Rs 450.00 Rs 500.00
Publisher: VPD ISBN: 9788195169153
This book of Fundamentals of Nursing is specially designed for GNM. It contains all the essential topics and information related to the subject. All topics are well explained and accompanied with extra information wherever required. Content is designed in a proper way to make it easily accessible..
Rs 153.00 Rs 170.00
Publisher: VPD ISBN: 9789394314139
This book of Fundamentals of Nursing is specially designed for GNM. It contains all the essential topics and information related to the subject. All topics are well explained and accompanied with extra information wherever required. Content is designed in a proper way to make it easily accessible..
Rs 180.00 Rs 200.00
Publisher: VPD ISBN: 9789394314214
Primary health care is designed by covering the entire syllabus recommended by INC. The book had followed the syllabus in series and exemplary explained all the topics in detail. Flow charts, tables, and diagrams with appropriate narration and organized explanations are mentioned wherever require..
Rs 162.00 Rs 180.00
Publisher: VPD ISBN: 9789394314320
‘Communicative English’ is a course designed to enable students to enhance their ability to speak and write the language (and use English) required for effective communication in their professional work. It helps students to practice their verbal and written English skills. They will also learn h..
Rs 180.00 Rs 200.00
Publisher: VPD ISBN: 9788193373439
This handbook of ANM is basically designed to cover the important concepts of ANM. This is easy to access and understand from a student’s perspective. For all the students of ANM, it is a helping hand to study. ..
Rs 405.00 Rs 450.00
Publisher: BOOKERA ISBN: 9789392019081
 Pharmaceutics is the science of designing dosage forms which deals with the process of converting old drugs or new drug entities into safe and effective dosage forms. This book is a student-friendly and concise book that introduces the readers to various dosage forms and provides an in-depth ..
Rs 225.00 Rs 250.00
Publisher: BOOKERA ISBN: 9789394875241
Jurisprudence is the study of fundamental legal principles including the knowledge of Law. In technical sense it is the science of the first principles of civil laws. Forensic pharmacy (pharmaceutical jurisprudence) Forensic in Latin means a public place, market place or place of assembly for judic..
Rs 270.00 Rs 300.00
Publisher: BOOKERA ISBN: 9789394875111
This book was intended for students to learn and know more about Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, and Behavioural sciences in caring for adult patients. It teaches students about various different topics such as aetiology, pathophysiology, manifestations, diagnostic studies, treatments and compl..
Rs 630.00 Rs 700.00
Showing 133 to 144 of 269 (23 Pages)