Jurisprudence is the study of fundamental legal principles including the knowledge of Law. In technical sense it is the science of the first principles of civil
laws. Forensic pharmacy (pharmaceutical jurisprudence) Forensic in Latin means a public place, market place or place of assembly for judicial and other business. Some
time back, the pharmacy profession was fully controlled in England by Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain and in USA by state laws. The laws in India during this era
had superficial references to drugs and medicines. Later in order to control the indiscriminate use of medicines and to legislate the standardization of the preparations
and sale of drugs, Government of India in the late Department of Education, Health and Lands, appointed a Drug Enquiry Committee in 1927. Since then, many Acts and
Laws came into force with various objectives to be meet with, in order to control completely the use of drugs in India.“ Though several books are available on the
subject, the material in most of them is presented in a diffused form or is highly specialized and discernible to those proficient in the field. This book builds self-confident in student which helps to get success in the examination. This book has been written to meet the requirements of students of Diploma in Pharmacy in
accordance with the new revised syllabus ER-2020 prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India.“ The language and style of this book has been kept simple and lucid to help
students to grasp the subject easily. Exhaustive revision questions have been given at the end of each chapter to enable the student to test his comprehension of the
subject himself.“ It is hoped that this book will be well received both by teacher and student.
- Stock: In Stock
- Publisher: BOOKERA
- Author: Dr. Rachita NG. , Mrs. Swati Singh & Mrs. Marjita Chakma
- ISBN: 9789394875241
- Weight: 277.00g
- SKU: VPD-173